WiFi Pineapple Mark VII Firmware 1.1.0

This firmware marks a massive release for the WiFi Pineapple Mark VII, with a huge set of feature additions, bug fixes and improvements to many aspects of the project and it's user experience. From reliability fixes in PineAP and Recon to the addition of the Package browser and a WPA/2 Evil AP or out of the box support for supported 802.11ac adapters, there is sure to be something in this version for you.

As always, you can grab the update OTA by giving your WiFi Pineapple an internet connection and navigating to Settings -> Software Update in the Web UI.

A huge thank you to the beta testers for this release who provided great feedback and bug reports, you are invaluable and much appreciated! To further join the discussion, feel free to join the Discord chat.

AC Adapter Support

With the 1.1.0 release, enhanced support for compatible 802.11ac modules has been added out of the box to enable dual band Recon scans. Upon logging into the UI with a compatible adapter you will be presented with the following dialog. You can then click "Configure" where you'll be able to set the Recon Wireless Interface in the settings. Doing this will stop the dialog from showing in the future, otherwise it will show every boot when an adapter is connected.


Package Manager

To make the vast library of available packages easier to browse and install, the Modules page now includes a Packages tab that allows you to fetch a list of all available packages, and install them with ease.


WPA/2 Evil AP

The new WPA/2 Evil AP feature allows you to clone an access point discovered in Recon, enabling you to spoof an AP with a PSK you've already recovered, or with a default passphrase to trick clients into associating with the real passphrase, recovering enough of the 4-way handshake into a convenient .pcap or .22000 format file to crack with tools like aircrack-ng or hashcat.


Changelog 1.1.1:

  • General
    • Update the Pineapple Python library.
  • Setup
    • Fix a UX issue where the Filter description doesn't show until a mode is selected.
  • Recon
    • Fix an issue where some partial handshake captures would not have enough data to be crackable.
  • Settings
    • Remove the Nightly Update channel.

Changelog 1.1.0:

  • General
    • Add a setup walkthrough dialog when attaching an AC-capable USB radio to the WiFi Pineapple.
    • Improve the displaying of dates from the future in some UI pages.
    • Move warnings into an "Informational Messages" dialog.
      • This new dialog adds more information about system messages, and provides convenient links directly to the relevant setting.
    • Removed bluelog and other bluetooth related tools from firmware.
      • Note: You can now install these packages and more with ease using the Package Manager.
    • Swap PineAP and Recon location in sidebar.
    • Enable SSH earlier in Setup process.
    • Removed polling for Reset button.
    • Add password reset functionality.
    • Notifications
      • Notifications are now previewed in the title bar.
      • Notifications can now be reported as "success", with a green color.
    • Changed to a better download icon.
    • Decrease clutter in title bar for mobile displays.
    • Fix an issue where some kernel modules would cause the device to reboot.
  • Setup
    • Add Sweden to WiFi Country Code list.
    • Fix typo in Client Filters page.
    • Added GIFs to indicate how to proceed with verification.
    • Added the ability to fine-tune filters during setup.
    • Generally improved layout of various setup elements.
  • Dashboard
    • Improved connection error message for "Get News".
  • Campaigns
    • Fix an issue where some reports will use the first Recon scan, instead of the latest.
    • Fix an issue where reports would not be removable.
  • PineAP
    • Fix a crash.
    • Fix an issue where extended Recon scans would lead to a memory leak.
    • Add Sweden to WiFi Country Code list.
    • Fix a hang introduced in the beta which would cause Recon and Filters to show an incorrect status.
    • Change "WPA & Open" tab to "Access Points".
    • Change "Authenticated AP" card title to "Evil WPA AP".
    • Add "View Handshakes" button to Evil WPA AP card.
    • Evil WPA AP handshakes now only send one notification per client.
    • Fix an issue where empty SSIDs would be added to the SSID Pool.
    • Add a new tab for Management and Open APs.
    • Fix an issue where the "Handshakes Captured" counter wouldn't be accurate.
    • Add Evil Twin WPA Access Point.
  • Recon
    • Add a dialog to clarify what a handshake capture does, when clicking "Start Handshake Capture".
    • Fix an issue where handshakes in custom locations couldn't be downloaded.
    • Scan settings are now loaded from the current scan across devices.
    • Added the ability to specify save location for Recon scans.
    • Added the ability to specify save location for Handshakes.
    • Fix an issue introduced in Beta 1 where handshakes could not be deleted.
    • Fixed an issue where the table would become unsorted during a scan.
    • Added graphs for wireless landscape and channel distribution.
    • Moved Settings into a new card, with search functionality.
    • Added the ability to select which radio is used for Recon scanning.
    • Add dual-band scanning support for supported adapters.
    • Add the ability to download handshakes in hashcat format.
    • Improved the user experience for cloning access points.
      • Cloning options can now be fine tuned from inside Recon.
      • Add the ability to clone WPA/2 access points.
    • Fixed an issue where BSSIDs would not be highlightable in some browsers.
    • Fixed an issue where a handshake capture button might show for open APs.
    • Massively improved scanning performance by rewriting result de-duplication logic.
    • Massively improved WPA/2 Handshake capture performance.
    • Changed how partial and full handshakes are written to disk.
    • Fixed a rare crash when scanning in client-heavy landscapes.
    • Handshake MAC addresses are now censored when censorship mode is enabled.
    • Handshake MAC addresses now use colon seperators.
  • Logging
    • Improve default colours for log entries in dark theme.
    • Improve column width for the System Log.
    • Improve parsing of System Log.
    • Added the ability to specify PineAP log save location.
    • Added pagination and search functionality to the PineAP Log.
    • Create a new system module for logging.
    • Add ability to download and search the device system log.
  • Modules
    • Add hot-link support for Available Modules, Package Manager, and Develop tabs.
    • Move search box into table footer.
    • Add a new tab for package management.
      • Add the ability to search and download a wide variety of packages.
    • Improve user experience when the device is offline.
  • Settings
    • General
      • Improve user experience when the device is offline.
      • Added a scrollbar for longer changelogs such as this one.
    • Networking
      • Add a placeholder for when the Pineapple hasn't receieved a Client Mode IP address yet.
      • Add signal strength to discovered Client Mode networks.
      • Rewrote Client Mode handling to improve reliability of connection.
      • Improved reliability of automatic route setting when handling USB Ethernet, ICS, or Client Mode connections.
      • Disconnect button is now disabled after being clicked once.