The Hottest Bash Bunny Hot Plug Attack: Network Hijacking

Exploiting local network attack vectors, the Bash Bunny emulates specialized Ethernet adapters. That means the target computer sees the Bash Bunny not as an ordinary flash drive, but as a USB Ethernet Adapter connected to a network. It's a network of two – the Bash Bunny and your target – and once connected, you'll have direct access to the target bypassing any would-be firewalls, countermeasures or intrusion detection systems from the legitimate LAN.

This is done in such a way that allows the Bash Bunny to be recognized on the victim computer as the fastest network, without drivers, automatically – locked or unlocked. As a 2 gigabit adapter with an authoritative DHCP server, the Bash Bunny obtains a low metric. This means that the computer will instantly trust the Bash Bunny with its network traffic — enabling a plethora of automated pocket network attacks undetectable by the existing infrastructure.

These bring-your-own-network attacks are cross-platform, with the Bash Bunny exploiting Mac, Linux, and Android computers with its ECM Ethernet attack mode, and Windows computers with its Microsoft proprietary RNDIS Ethernet attack mode.

Using these methods, attack like QuickCreds for example are able to steal hashed credentials from locked computers in seconds. Plug the Bash Bunny into a computer, wait a few seconds and when the light is green – the trap is clean!

Let's take a look at how the Bash Bunny pulls off this simple and effective attack.

First we issue the Ethernet attack mode specific for our target. If it's Windows, we'll want to use RNDIS_ETHERNET. If it's a Mac or Linux target, we'll want to use ECM_ETHERNET. Even better - if we're not sure, simply use AUTO_ETHERNET which will try both.

In the above example, we also grab variables for the target's hostname and IP address, which is useful for naming the logs that we lovingly call loot.

Then we simply run Responder on the usb0 interface - which is the network directly connected to the target using the Ethernet attack mode above. Finally, we wait until the NTLM hashes are captured. Easy!

With a full TCP/IP stack and all common Linux-based tools at your disposal, the possibilities for pocket network attacks are endless!


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