by Kalani April 08, 2022
OMG Prank
On macOS, Launch terminal and use the command 'say' to read out a string. Requirements: Any DuckyScript Capable Device
by Kalani April 08, 2022
OMG Prank
On Windows, Launch Powershell and use the System.speech to read out a string. Requirements: Any DuckyScript Capable Device
by Kalani March 31, 2022
General OMG
On execution, this payload will cause the target
computer to launch the Calculator. This is tested working on Windows 2000 - Windows 11, and multiple Linux d...
🏆 by TW-D March 29, 2022
OMG Remote Access
1. Adds a user account (OMG_User:OMG_P@ssW0rD).
2. Adds this local user to local administrator group.
3. Shares "C:" directory (OMG_SHARE).
4. Adds a rule to...
🏆 by 0i41E March 23, 2022
General OMG
A small message box, telling the user that he violated the security policy. The hostname of the user will be send to a webhook to report the incident. Fill i...
by 0i41E February 01, 2022
OMG Remote Access
UDP Reverse shell, based on ReverseDuckyIII, executed in the background. Might create a firewall pop up, but will execute anyway.
by 0i41E January 19, 2022
OMG Remote Access
The O.MG Cable is a powerfull tool and can be used as a remote HID, to even increase the power, RemoteDeskCable was released. - Get screen access! See what y...
🏆 by @InfoSec_DrewZe January 14, 2022
Mobile-Android OMG Remote Access
Upload Malicious APK to Android Device with an OMG Cable. This script is for educational and pentesting purposes only! Use at your own risk!
🏆 by int0x80 January 14, 2022
Mobile-Android OMG Remote Access
Download and install an APK on Android
An OMG Cable payload which downloads and installs an APK onto an Android device. Here are the high-level notes.
I wo...
by Hug1n January 05, 2022
OMG Remote Access
This script is designed to get a reverse shell in Windows environments with a one liner powershell command, this bypasses almost all antivirus out there and ...
by 0i41E January 05, 2022
OMG Remote Access
Reverse shell, based on ReverseDuckyII, executed in the background
Fill in Attacker-IP and Port in Line 20
by @keld_norman January 05, 2022
OMG Prank
Turn up the volume and play a message on a victim's computer using Windows build speech engine
by @keld_norman January 05, 2022
Execution OMG
Use a DNS TXT record to get the commands you want to execute instead of typing them in
An example of how you could use DNS TXT records to get the powershel...
by poundplay January 05, 2022
Credentials OMG
I took my own code and found the other version already made. I combined them to make it better
this is a modified version of
by Keld Norman October 17, 2021
Exfiltration OMG
Building upon the earlier WiFi2DNS payload that uses stealthy DNS exfiltration, Keld Norman has applied AES-256 encryption for a much more secure transit of ...
by @keld_norman October 12, 2021
Exfiltration OMG
WiFi names and PSK are exfiltrated over DNS.