🏆 by Aleff June 13, 2023
OMG Prank
This script can be used play a prank on friends by having them follow an Instagram account.
Open a PowerShell, start a process trough the default browser th...
🏆 by afsh4ck June 09, 2023
Bash Bunny Exfiltration
Exfilter all the images from the principal folders on unlocked MacOS targets. Stashes them in /loot/MacDocsExfill
🏆 by rf_bandit June 06, 2023
Bash Bunny Credentials
Get password for logged-in user and unlock machine. Based on quickcreds and win10lockpicker.
🏆 by 90N45 May 12, 2023
Bash Bunny Recon
Get a bunch of delicious data from unlocked macOS devices.
🏆 by Spywill May 12, 2023
Credentials Key Croc
Capture target E-mail address & password save to /udisk/tools/target_email.txt
🏆 by Peaakss May 01, 2023
Mobile-iOS OMG
This is the first of the iOS 2.0 Payloads, this payload will go and create a shortcut that runs automatically without notifying the user, iOS 2.0 allows for ...
🏆 by BlackPropaganda May 01, 2023
Packet Squirrel Remote Access
Makes packet Squirrel directly accessible via SSH on a remote server.
🏆 by TW-D May 01, 2023
Recon USB Rubber Ducky
Uses the "Microsoft Edge" web browser to search for web servers within a range of IPv4 addresses that do not have an "X-Frame-Options" header.
Then exports ...
🏆 by Gopalsamy Rajendran April 01, 2023
Mobile-Android USB Rubber Ducky
🏆 by Cribbit April 01, 2023
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
Get Windows "powershell" or MacOS "say" or Linux (ubuntu) "espeak" to speak the opening of the duck song
🏆 by H4ck1ngM4rk April 01, 2023
Execution USB Rubber Ducky
Downloads a picture and set it as wallpaper, gets Visible after Restart or Relogin
🏆 by spywill April 01, 2023
Credentials Key Croc
Attempt to connect Keycroc automatically to target wifi access point
🏆 by 0i41E March 17, 2023
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
A lil' prank for all the ones snooping on your usb sticks. This will lock the machine every 100ms until the button is pressed (or ther ducky pulled out)
🏆 by Who-Is-Julien March 17, 2023
Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky
This payload exfiltrates Windows system information and installed programs from the target computer to Dropbox cloud storage for subsequent privilege escalat...
🏆 by 0i41E March 17, 2023
Remote Access USB Rubber Ducky
ReverseDuckyUltimate (RDU) takes the best of every ReverseDucky payload. Customization, encryption, indentifiers, multi-layer polymorphism and automatic setu...
🏆 by drapl0n March 01, 2023
Bash Bunny Phishing
Triggered_Bunny covertly executes phishing page on remote triggers.
🏆 by Cribbit February 27, 2023
Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky
Reads all txt files in "my documents" and flashes the scroll lock on and off to represent Morse code of the English alphanumeric characters (0..9 A..Z)
🏆 by zoeruda February 23, 2023
Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky
This payload is meant to exfiltrate bash history to a dropbox