🏆 by Peaakss May 01, 2023
Mobile-iOS OMG
This is the first of the iOS 2.0 Payloads, this payload will go and create a shortcut that runs automatically without notifying the user, iOS 2.0 allows for ...
by Peaakss January 18, 2023
Mobile-iOS OMG
This payload enables Assistive touch on the device to create a new note with song lyrics and then spin the device screen using Assistive Touch 'You spin me r...
🏆 by Peaakss January 02, 2023
Mobile-iOS OMG
This payload adds a ActiveSync Microsoft exchange server to the iPhone giving the exchange server access to information such as Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Re...
by Peaakss January 02, 2023
Mobile-iOS OMG
This payload is a prank payload that adds 28 new contacts to the iPhone with the name of choice
by Peaakss January 02, 2023
Mobile-iOS OMG
This is a simple payload that creates a contact inside of the iPhone with a first name and saves it to the device
🏆 by Peaakss December 16, 2022
Mobile-iOS OMG
This payload adds an active sync account to icloud to sync data from a iPhone to a email address. Payload was made on iOS 16.1 - iPhone | Timing may have hav...
🏆 by Peaakss November 01, 2022
Mobile-iOS OMG
A simple payload that navagates to Full keyboard access in setting for a user to turn it on manually
by Peaakss November 01, 2022
Mobile-iOS OMG
A simple payload that adds Rick astley into contacts, this payload can be modified to create as many contacts as desires
by Peaakss October 25, 2022
Mobile-iOS OMG
A simple payload that opens safari and inserts a hook link then opens a new tab on youtube
by Peaakss October 25, 2022
Mobile-iOS OMG
A simple payload that goes and takes multiple screenshots of rick astley dancing for a nice photo bomb
by Peaakss October 20, 2022
Mobile-iOS OMG
This payload goes to facebook contact info and takes a screen shot and copy's it into a email to be sent
by Peaakss October 20, 2022
Mobile-iOS OMG
A simple payload that likes pictures of Ryan Renolds
by Peaakss October 17, 2022
Mobile-iOS OMG
A simple payload that sens a text message through iOS Messager
by Peaakss October 17, 2022
Mobile-iOS OMG
A simple payload to send a email from the Mail app
🏆 by Peaakss October 17, 2022
Mobile-iOS OMG
This payload goes out to a URL (Hopefully where there is a IOS profile prompt) and downloads the profile. Then navigates to VPN & Device Management where...
by UberGuidoZ October 17, 2022
Mobile-iOS USB Rubber Ducky
Opens Safari, enters YouTube link, goes full screen.
Notes: Kalani wrote the original code, just modded to a Rick Roll!
by UberGuidoZ October 17, 2022
Mobile-iOS OMG
Opens Safari, enters YouTube link, goes full screen. Notes: Kalani wrote the original code, just modded to a Rick Roll! Updated by PEAAKSS