by JonnyBanana January 05, 2022
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
HTML Fork Bomb by Jonny Banana
by Cribbit December 21, 2021
Bash Bunny Prank
Create a QR code in Excel that points to Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up on YouTube
by Cribbit December 21, 2021
Bash Bunny Prank
Replaces the standard arrow with a little bash bunny icon.
I have included a both a static and animated cursor.
by Cribbit December 21, 2021
Bash Bunny Prank
Spinning Ascii Hak5 Logo in a powershell window. Props to TW-D for the inspiration, audibleblink for python server code "execution/ShellExec/payload.txt" and...
by xhico October 05, 2021
Bash Bunny Prank
Changes the users wallpaper from the ${SWITCH_POSITION} folder in the payloads library of the Bash Bunny USB Disk partition.