Edit The Default Real App With An Arbitrary

Edit The Default Real App With An Arbitrary
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Title: Edit The Default Real App With An Arbitrary
Author: Aleff

A script used to download a modified application on the target computer that will be executed instead of the original one without notify it to the user. The script will download the zip archive in which you should have the modified application, then unzip the archive and remove the original zip, then replace the original desktop file with the one that is present on the archive.

Execution is the method of either remotely or locally running code — malicious or otherwise — on a target computer. Execution is typically coupled with other techniques to carry out more complex tasks, like performing reconnaissance, exfiltration or credential harvesting. Execution may be ephemeral, or coupled with persistence techniques used to maintain remote access or continued code execution. See all execution payloads.

This payload is for the USB Rubber Ducky — a "flash drive" that types keystroke injection payloads into unsuspecting computers at incredible speeds. It's no wonder this little quacker has made appearances on Mr. Robot, FBI, Blacklist, National Geography and more!

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