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Title: iOS-Logic-Bomb-Example
Author: Peaakss

This is the first of the iOS 2.0 Payloads, this payload will go and create a shortcut that runs automatically without notifying the user, iOS 2.0 allows for logic bomb like capabilities, using shortcuts you can choose when and how your logic bomb is activated, this is the first example of 2.0 payloads. This payload will turn on the flashlight on the device when the weather app is opened, and is still persistent after being unplugged! Have fun and be safe and ethical!

🏆   Recognized with a Payload Award in September 2023


This payload is for OMG — a platform built for covert field-use with features that enhance remote execution, stealth and forensics evasion, all while being able to quickly change your tooling on the fly.

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