Flood Gateway

Flood Gateway
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Title: Flood Gateway
Author: InfoSecREDD

This payload detects the Gateway IP then proceeds to send SYN/ACK/RST/UDP to the Gateway

🏆   Recognized with a Payload Award in January 2025


Execution is the method of either remotely or locally running code — malicious or otherwise — on a target computer. Execution is typically coupled with other techniques to carry out more complex tasks, like performing reconnaissance, exfiltration or credential harvesting. Execution may be ephemeral, or coupled with persistence techniques used to maintain remote access or continued code execution. See all execution payloads.

This payload is for the Shark Jack — a portable network attack tool. It's a pentesters best friend, optimized for social engineering engagements and opportunistic wired network auditing. Jack into a network an instantly run advanced sysadmin and pentest payloads.

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