Founded in 2005, Hak5's mission is to advance the InfoSec industry. We do this through our award winning podcasts, leading pentest gear, and inclusive community – where all hackers belong.
Community developed payloads for Hak5 gear are featured and awarded at PayloadHub — a growing library of currated content.
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Community developed payloads for Hak5 gear are featured and awarded at PayloadHub — a growing library of currated content.
Unleash your hacking creativity with the online payload editor: PayloadStudio
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Creates a hidden link file that override the ctrl+c functionality. So, where the use press ctrl+c it lunches the first sign-in animation. Notes: to kill the animation, you need to open task manger and look for "First Sign-in Animation". For extra evilness add /explorer to the $shortcut.Arguments line in the script file. Then you can't switch programs or kill it.
This payload is for the Bash Bunny. Simultaneously mimic multiple trusted devices to trick targets into divulging sensitive information without triggering defenses. The Bash Bunny is truly the world's most advanced USB attack platform.
Submit your own payload, or browse more featured Bash Bunny Payloads.
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Third-party payloads executing as root may cause damage and come AS-IS without warranty or guarantees.
Payloads are for education and auditing where permitted subject to local and international laws. Users are solely responsible for compliance. Hak5 claims no responsibility for unauthorized or unlawful use.
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