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Title: RD-PineApple
Author: I am Jakoby

This program will use the Rubber Ducky to connect target pc to your Wifi PineApples wireless access point It will generate an XML file that will be used to create a network profile for your Wifi PineApple. Depending on your method of execution the XML file will either be manually entered into a powershell window or you may use and Invoke Web-Request to download a script to add the network profile. After either the history of the powershell window and run box will be erased for a clean exit.

This payload is for the USB Rubber Ducky — a "flash drive" that types keystroke injection payloads into unsuspecting computers at incredible speeds. It's no wonder this little quacker has made appearances on Mr. Robot, FBI, Blacklist, National Geography and more!

Submit your own payload, or browse more featured USB Rubber Ducky Payloads.



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