by atomiczsec December 16, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
This payload is meant to prank your victim with TURNING on AND off CAPS LOCK
by KryptoKola December 16, 2022
Bash Bunny Remote Access
1) Disables Tamper Protection in Windows Defender.
2) Disables UAC / Turns UAC off
3) Creates Payload Directory in C:/ Drive
4) Disables Real-Time Protection...
by drapl0n December 16, 2022
Bash Bunny General
LINUX_MOUNT is an extension to automatically mount/unmount BashBunny on GNU/Linux systems.
by atomiczsec November 17, 2022
Bash Bunny Exfiltration
This payload is meant to exfiltrate printer information for further social engineering or driver explotation. Can also be used to find printer web interfaces...
by atomiczsec November 07, 2022
Bash Bunny Exfiltration
This payload is meant to exfiltrate spotify usernames on the device. Some people are too afraid to ask for their spotify or playlist so here is a sneaky way ...
by atomiczsec November 01, 2022
Bash Bunny Exfiltration
This payload will enumerate through the powershell directories, looking for the file that stores the history of the powershell console
These files will be s...
by Cribbit October 26, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
Shows a bunny that move along the bottom of the screen.
Creates a WPF window which is inviable apart form an image of a bunny. Then the script moves the win...
by I am Jakoby October 20, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
This is a one liner payload that will execute and wait until a mouse movement is detected. Once one is a jumpscare will be played at max volume in full screen
by I am Jakoby October 17, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
This script is a one liner that can fit in the runbox by itself Just replace the URL for the Youtube video and run it You can now unplug your device and walk...
by I am Jakoby October 14, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
This is a one liner payload that will Rick Roll your target. Video will be played a full screen and max volume.
Upon deployment payload will pause until a m...
by I am Jakoby October 11, 2022
Bash Bunny Execution
This payload will run a powershell script in the background of any shortcut used on the targets desktop
by atomiczsec October 11, 2022
Bash Bunny Exfiltration
This payload will share the entire victims "C:" drive to the entire network for further exploitation.
by atomiczsec October 10, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
A payload to prank your friends into thinking their computer got hit with ransomware.
by atomiczsec October 09, 2022
Bash Bunny Exfiltration
A payload to exfiltrate clipboard contents
by atomiczsec October 09, 2022
Bash Bunny General
A payload to get rid of the ugly windows activation watermark.
This script will get rid of the ugly windows watermark. This script will automatically reboot...
by atomiczsec October 08, 2022
Bash Bunny Exfiltration
This payload will enumerate through the browser directories, looking for the file that stores the history.
These files will be saved to the temp directory.
by TW-D October 08, 2022
Bash Bunny Remote Access
1. Checks the availability of binaries on the system.
2. Builds a list of possible payloads.
3. Performs one at random.
🏆 by drapl0n September 01, 2022
Bash Bunny Credentials
BunnyLogger is a Key Logger which captures every key stroke of target and send them to attacker.