by atomiczsec August 30, 2022
Bash Bunny Exfiltration
This payload will enumerate through the browser directories, looking for the file that stores the bookmark history These files will be saved to the bash bunn...
by TW-D August 30, 2022
Bash Bunny Phishing
Copies the "ssh" command spoofing program to the user's home directory.
Defines a new persistent "ssh" alias with the file "~/.bash_aliases".
When the user e...
🏆 by Carey Balboa August 30, 2022
Bash Bunny Exfiltration
Exfiltrates files from logged in users Documents and Desktop folders.
by PeteDavis91 July 14, 2022
Bash Bunny Exfiltration
Extract useful information such as nmap scan results, wifi keys, Local DNS Cache, User privileges and group memberships, user folder contents with images and...
🏆 by DanTheGoodman July 14, 2022
Bash Bunny Exfiltration
A stupid easy to use file extractor leveraging the USB storage attack mode. Will stuff the found files in the /loot/simple-usb-file-extractor folder. Also de...
by Cribbit June 22, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
Uses CLSID to open system dialogs to swap the left and right mouse button, change the region to Welsh and turn off system sounds.
by drapl0n June 22, 2022
Bash Bunny Execution
mine4me make your target's system mine Monero for you.
by TW-D June 16, 2022
Bash Bunny Phishing
1. Hide "PowerShell" window.
2. Change "monitor-timeout (AC and DC)" at NEVER with "powercfg" utility.
3. Change "standby-timeout (AC and DC)" at NEVER with ...
🏆 by 0i41E June 09, 2022
Bash Bunny Credentials
SamDumpBunny dumps the users sam and system hive and compresses them into a zip file. Afterwards you can use a tool like samdump2 to extract the users hashes.
🏆 by Cribbit June 09, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
Converts Jpeg, Png & BMP's in the My Pictures to ascii art versions.
🏆 by PanicAcid June 01, 2022
Bash Bunny Execution
Executes code leveraging CVE-2022-30190 aka Follina using a malicious html file hosted on the Bunny itself. Whilst this exploit can be called via a malicious...
🏆 by LulzAnarchyAnon June 01, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
The webcam is opened, and 15 pictures are taken and saved to the camera roll folder. The wallpaper settings are then changed so the Photos/Camera Roll folder...
by I am Jakoby May 19, 2022
Bash Bunny Credentials
A script used to prompt the target to enter their creds to later be exfiltrated with dropbox. A pop up box will let the target know "Unusual sign-in. Please ...
by I am Jakoby May 19, 2022
Bash Bunny Execution
A script used to open an elevated powershell console and created a folder ignored by the AntiVirus. This is a UAC bypass payload that will open an elevated p...
by I am Jakoby May 17, 2022
Bash Bunny Execution
A script used to open an elevated powershell console and execute admin level commands. Completely ran from the execute file. Replace the URL in that file wit...
🏆 by 0i41E May 12, 2022
Bash Bunny Remote Access
ReverseBunnySSL gets you remote access to your target in seconds. Unlike ReverseBunny, ReverseBunnySSL offers encrypted traffic via OpenSSL.
🏆 by TW-D May 12, 2022
Bash Bunny Phishing
1. Copies the "sudo" command spoofing program to the user's home directory.
2. Defines a new persistent "sudo" alias with the file "~/.bash_aliases".
3. When...
🏆 by I am Jakoby May 10, 2022
Bash Bunny Recon
A script used to do an advanced level of Recon on the targets computer. This program enumerates a target PC to include Operating System, RAM Capacity, Public...