

🏆   by 0i41E February 02, 2022

Bash Bunny Credentials

This payload will run an obfuscated script to dump user hashes. If you don't trust this obfuscated .bat file, you should run it within a save space first - w...
Problem Steps Recorder

Problem Steps Recorder

by TW-D January 28, 2022

Bash Bunny Credentials

Partially avoids "PowerShell Script Block Logging". Closing of all windows. Hide "PowerShell" window. Abuse of "Windows Problem Steps Recorder" to spy on a u...



by 0i41E January 25, 2022

Bash Bunny Credentials

It is simple - using a renamed version of procdump - you are able to dump hashes from lsass.exe. Plug in BashBunny. Exfiltrate the out.dmp file and read i...



by TW-D January 21, 2022

Bash Bunny Credentials

Captures the client network session. Captures the client side session keys. Partially avoids "PowerShell Script Block Logging". Closing of all windows. Hid...



by poundplay January 05, 2022

Credentials OMG

I took my own code and found the other version already made. I combined them to make it better this is a modified version of https://github.com/MTK911/Attiny...


by Dante Sparda January 05, 2022

Credentials USB Rubber Ducky

this took a lot of digging and research. please use responsibly. I wrote this on a wim but of course you can filter whatever you want to the loot folder.

Simple Windows Password Grabber

Simple Windows Password Grabber

by makozort January 05, 2022

Credentials USB Rubber Ducky

Target: Windows 10 (with admin access), might work with Windows 7 idk
Mac Password Grabber

Mac Password Grabber

by Overtimedev December 21, 2021

Bash Bunny Credentials

Steals Mac Passwords using laZagne.py then stashes them in /loot/MacPass 1. put get-pip.py, laZagne.py and requirements.txt in the root folder of the bunny ...



by cerebro11 October 05, 2021

Bash Bunny Credentials

Dumps the usernames & plaintext passwords from, Browsers (Chrome, FireFox), Windows Vault, Wi-Fi, sam, system, security from Registry => SAM Hashes (o...


by cerebro11 September 28, 2021

Credentials Key Croc

Sets up Ethernet and HID keyboard interfaces simultaneously, then uses HID to import Sharphound into memory via KeyCroc web server and execute the attack. Re...