Mac Password Grabber

Mac Password Grabber
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Title: Mac Password Grabber
Author: Overtimedev

Steals Mac Passwords using then stashes them in /loot/MacPass 1. put, and requirements.txt in the root folder of the bunny 2. unzip into the root folder of the bunny 3. Replace PASSWORD, with your vicims mac computer password in payload.txt

Credential harvesting is the method of obtaining credentials — think usernames and passwords. Many techniques are used to obtain credentials, from keylogging to credential dumping. With a set of credentials in hand, red teamers may access systems and make lateral movement across the network, as well as creating their own credentials which may be difficult to detect in a breach. See all credential payloads.

This payload is for the Bash Bunny. Simultaneously mimic multiple trusted devices to trick targets into divulging sensitive information without triggering defenses. The Bash Bunny is truly the world's most advanced USB attack platform.

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