Add An Excepiton To Avast Antivirus

Add An Excepiton To Avast Antivirus

by Aleff May 13, 2023

Execution USB Rubber Ducky

This script can be used to put an arbitrary exception path in the Avast app. The script open the Avast app, then go to menu, then go to, avast settings, the...
Set An Arbitrary DNS (IPv4 version)

Set An Arbitrary DNS (IPv4 version)

by Aleff May 13, 2023

Execution USB Rubber Ducky

This script can be used to change the default DNS server in Windows 11. The script open the settings, then go to network settings, then go to wi-fi settings...



by MocconaCoffee May 10, 2023

Prank USB Rubber Ducky

Changes the target users background to a picture of a brown horse running, a nod to my nan's laptop background. ** This script requires very minor configurat...
X-Frame-Options Scanner

X-Frame-Options Scanner

🏆   by TW-D May 01, 2023

Recon USB Rubber Ducky

Uses the "Microsoft Edge" web browser to search for web servers within a range of IPv4 addresses that do not have an "X-Frame-Options" header. Then exports ...

Change Remote Git Link

Change Remote Git Link

by Aleff April 26, 2023

Execution USB Rubber Ducky

This script can be used to change the remote link from which updates will be downloaded and where new updates will be uploaded. This script turns out to be ...
Full-Screen Banner Joke

Full-Screen Banner Joke

by Aleff April 24, 2023

Prank USB Rubber Ducky

A script used to prank your friends with full-screen banner. Open a PowerShell, download the Python script and execute it. The Python script will create a b...

Send Email Through Thunderbird

Send Email Through Thunderbird

by Aleff April 24, 2023

Prank USB Rubber Ducky

This payload can be used to prank friends by sending emails at top speed from their thunderbird clients. This payload opens a shell (or powershell if runnin...
Continuos Print In Terminal

Continuos Print In Terminal

by Aleff April 24, 2023

Prank USB Rubber Ducky

A script used to prank your friends with a terminal print. Open a PowerShell, download the Python script and execute it. The Python script will print in out...

Windows Repair

Windows Repair

by yadhumanikandan April 23, 2023

Prank USB Rubber Ducky

code will open a bowser and show the windows breakdown image in full screen mode
Exfiltrate Photos Through Shell - Linux

Exfiltrate Photos Through Shell - Linux

by Aleff April 05, 2023

Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky

A script used to exfiltrate photos using fswebcam shell command. The permissions is needed for give the execution permission to the script downloaded.

Exploiting An Executable File

Exploiting An Executable File

by Aleff April 05, 2023

Execution USB Rubber Ducky

A script used to detect all executable files in a Linux system. An executable file can be used in cybersecurity to execute some script without having the nec...
Standard Phishing Payload Using kdialog - Linux

Standard Phishing Payload Using kdialog - Linux

by Aleff April 03, 2023

Phishing USB Rubber Ducky

A script used to exfiltrate some input by a popup phishing based on linux systems using kdialog. Opens a shell, get the data by a popup, send the input to a...

Whatsapp Message Sender

Whatsapp Message Sender

🏆   by Gopalsamy Rajendran April 01, 2023

Mobile-Android USB Rubber Ducky

Hey! Got Any Grapes?

Hey! Got Any Grapes?

🏆   by Cribbit April 01, 2023

Prank USB Rubber Ducky

Get Windows "powershell" or MacOS "say" or Linux (ubuntu) "espeak" to speak the opening of the duck song

Simple PSH Wallpaper Changer

Simple PSH Wallpaper Changer

🏆   by H4ck1ngM4rk April 01, 2023

Execution USB Rubber Ducky

Downloads a picture and set it as wallpaper, gets Visible after Restart or Relogin
Exfiltrate Process Info

Exfiltrate Process Info

by Aleff March 28, 2023

Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky

A script used to exfiltrate process info.

Send Telegram Messages

Send Telegram Messages

by Aleff March 17, 2023

Prank USB Rubber Ducky

A script used to prank your friends sending messages by using Telegram app. Opens a shell, runs the telegram-desktop app, search the user by the id, enter i...
Change Desktop Wallpaper

Change Desktop Wallpaper

by Aleff March 17, 2023

Prank USB Rubber Ducky

A script used to prank your friends changing their desktop wallpaper. Opens a shell, download the image, define the local image path, run a command KDE BASE...