by yadhumanikandan April 23, 2023
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
code will open a bowser and show the windows breakdown image in full screen mode
by Aleff April 05, 2023
Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to exfiltrate photos using fswebcam shell command. The permissions is needed for give the execution permission to the script downloaded.
by Aleff April 05, 2023
Execution USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to detect all executable files in a Linux system. An executable file can be used in cybersecurity to execute some script without having the nec...
by Aleff April 03, 2023
Phishing USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to exfiltrate some input by a popup phishing based on linux systems using kdialog.
Opens a shell, get the data by a popup, send the input to a...
🏆 by Gopalsamy Rajendran April 01, 2023
Mobile-Android USB Rubber Ducky
🏆 by Cribbit April 01, 2023
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
Get Windows "powershell" or MacOS "say" or Linux (ubuntu) "espeak" to speak the opening of the duck song
🏆 by H4ck1ngM4rk April 01, 2023
Execution USB Rubber Ducky
Downloads a picture and set it as wallpaper, gets Visible after Restart or Relogin
by Aleff March 28, 2023
Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to exfiltrate process info.
by Aleff March 17, 2023
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to prank your friends sending messages by using Telegram app.
Opens a shell, runs the telegram-desktop app, search the user by the id, enter i...
by Aleff March 17, 2023
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to prank your friends changing their desktop wallpaper.
Opens a shell, download the image, define the local image path, run a command KDE BASE...
by Aleff March 17, 2023
Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to exfiltrate the process info on a Linux machine.
Opens a shell, get the process info, set the Discord webhook configuration, send it to the ...
by Aleff March 17, 2023
Phishing USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to exfiltrate the sudo password by a popup phishing based on linux systems.
Opens a shell, get the password by a popup, send the input to a Di...
by Aleff March 17, 2023
Credentials USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to exfiltrate the wifi passwords on a Linux machine.
by Aleff March 17, 2023
Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to exfiltrate the network configuration on a Linux machine.
by Aleff March 17, 2023
Execution USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to change the MAC address on a Linux machine.
by Aleff March 17, 2023
Execution USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to change the network configuration on a Linux machine.
🏆 by 0iphor13 March 17, 2023
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
A lil' prank for all the ones snooping on your usb sticks. This will lock the machine every 100ms until the button is pressed (or ther ducky pulled out)
by Aleff March 17, 2023
Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to take linux logs.