by LulzAnarchyAnon June 22, 2022
OMG Prank
The first thing is volume is increased to 100% to draw attention. Afterwards Two seniors appear to be webcaming with you, and you don't know why!
by Cribbit June 22, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
Uses CLSID to open system dialogs to swap the left and right mouse button, change the region to Welsh and turn off system sounds.
by drapl0n June 22, 2022
Bash Bunny Execution
mine4me make your target's system mine Monero for you.
by TW-D June 16, 2022
Bash Bunny Phishing
1. Hide "PowerShell" window.
2. Change "monitor-timeout (AC and DC)" at NEVER with "powercfg" utility.
3. Change "standby-timeout (AC and DC)" at NEVER with ...
by LulzAnarchyAnon June 12, 2022
OMG Prank
A Quack of a different flavor. This time a browser shortcut is created on the targets Desktop, and named mycloudbackup to peak the targets curiosity. It open...
by LulzAnarchyAnon June 12, 2022
OMG Prank
Old School fun meets modern day with this payload. So for starters notepad is opened, and a few choice words are typed out ;) Afterwards the notepad file is ...
🏆 by 0i41E June 09, 2022
Bash Bunny Credentials
SamDumpBunny dumps the users sam and system hive and compresses them into a zip file. Afterwards you can use a tool like samdump2 to extract the users hashes.
🏆 by drapl0n June 09, 2022
Execution Shark Jack
SharkDOS payload intelligently scan target's network for open http (configurable for https) ports and DOS it.
by LulzAnarchyAnon June 09, 2022
OMG Prank
A web browser downloads a blue screen of death image. Then saves it to the downloads folder where it is set as the desktop wallpaper. All desktop icons and, ...
by 0i41E June 09, 2022
Credentials OMG
SamDumpCable dumps the users sam and system hive and compress them into a zip file. Afterwards you can use a tool like samdump2 to extract the users hashes.
by OMG-Tech June 09, 2022
OMG Prank
Modified Rick Roll from Thomas McNeela for O.MG Cables/Plug by OMG Tech
by LulzAnarchyAnon June 09, 2022
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
A Quack of a different flavor. This time a browser shortcut is created on the targets Desktop, and named mycloudbackup to peak the targets curiosity. It open...
🏆 by Cribbit June 09, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
Converts Jpeg, Png & BMP's in the My Pictures to ascii art versions.
by UberGuidoZ June 09, 2022
OMG Prank
Creates a batch file that opens a Rick Roll every 5 mins in default browser. Notes: Creates batch file, starts batch file, minimizes the window
by LulzAnarchyAnon June 09, 2022
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
Old School fun meets modern day with this payload. So for starters notepad is opened, and a few choice words are typed out ;) Afterwards the notepad file is ...
🏆 by PanicAcid June 01, 2022
Bash Bunny Execution
Executes code leveraging CVE-2022-30190 aka Follina using a malicious html file hosted on the Bunny itself. Whilst this exploit can be called via a malicious...
by LulzAnarchyAnon June 01, 2022
General OMG
There are many ways to open an Administrator PowerShell, but this is my version depending on the device delays may need to be adjusted. WHY? JUST FOR FUN, an...
🏆 by LulzAnarchyAnon June 01, 2022
Bash Bunny Prank
The webcam is opened, and 15 pictures are taken and saved to the camera roll folder. The wallpaper settings are then changed so the Photos/Camera Roll folder...