by LulzAnarchyAnon May 25, 2022
OMG Prank
The webcam is opened,and 15 pictures are taken and saved to the camera roll folder. The wallpaper settings are then changed so the Photos/Camera Roll folder ...
by H4K0N42 May 24, 2022
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
Rickrolls the target and crashes the pc.
by LulzAnarchyAnon May 23, 2022
Credentials OMG
This payload is a long, hard work around to bypass Microsoft Security in Firefox where a pin, or password is required to export saved log in credentials. The...
by UberGuidoZ May 23, 2022
OMG Prank
Opens up a harmless website and pretends to hack into a GOV facility causing all sorts of chaos.
by UberGuidoZ May 23, 2022
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
Opens a harmless website and types like a hacker.
🏆 by I am Jakoby May 19, 2022
Credentials USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to prompt the target to enter their creds to later be exfiltrated with dropbox. A pop up box will let the target know "Unusual sign-in. Please ...
by I am Jakoby May 19, 2022
Bash Bunny Credentials
A script used to prompt the target to enter their creds to later be exfiltrated with dropbox. A pop up box will let the target know "Unusual sign-in. Please ...
by I am Jakoby May 19, 2022
Credentials OMG
A script used to prompt the target to enter their creds to later be exfiltrated with dropbox. A pop up box will let the target know "Unusual sign-in. Please ...
by I am Jakoby May 19, 2022
Bash Bunny Execution
A script used to open an elevated powershell console and created a folder ignored by the AntiVirus. This is a UAC bypass payload that will open an elevated p...
by I am Jakoby May 19, 2022
Execution OMG
A script used to open an elevated powershell console and created a folder ignored by the AntiVirus. This is a UAC bypass payload that will open an elevated p...
by I am Jakoby May 19, 2022
Execution USB Rubber Ducky
A script used to open an elevated powershell console and created a folder ignored by the AntiVirus. This is a UAC bypass payload that will open an elevated p...
by makozort May 19, 2022
Remote Access USB Rubber Ducky
Gain a reverse shell to targets pc, the script works VERY quickly agains machines with disabled defender.
by Naitik Dharmendra Joshi May 19, 2022
Remote Access USB Rubber Ducky
Opens cmd and with admin privileges and starts a reverse shell in hidden Powershell window.
by Skelly May 19, 2022
Prank USB Rubber Ducky
Script to uninstall League of Legends from the target system. Save your friends from their horrible addiction.
by moosehadley May 19, 2022
Incident Response USB Rubber Ducky
GoodUSB is a script that downloads ClamAV, updates it, and scans your system memory for malware and terminates any processes it finds.
by drapl0n May 18, 2022
Credentials OMG
Key logger which sends each and every key stroke of target remotely/locally.
by LulzAnarchyAnon May 17, 2022
OMG Prank
A web browser downloads a blue screen of death image. Then saves it to the downloads folder as an ms paint image where it is then set as the desktop wallpape...
by I am Jakoby May 17, 2022
Bash Bunny Execution
A script used to open an elevated powershell console and execute admin level commands. Completely ran from the execute file. Replace the URL in that file wit...