Dump Windows Memory Through ProcDump

Dump Windows Memory Through ProcDump

by Aleff June 05, 2024

Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky

This payload allows you to dump the RAM memory used by a running application by using the free software ProcDump.


🏆   by thedragonkeeper January 15, 2024

Bash Bunny Recon

Captures all keyboard input without the need for root access Uses the user keyboard map file for decoding the captured data

Follow someone on Instagram

Follow someone on Instagram

🏆   by Aleff June 13, 2023

OMG Prank

This script can be used play a prank on friends by having them follow an Instagram account. Open a PowerShell, start a process trough the default browser th...
Send Messages In Discord Channel-Server

Send Messages In Discord Channel-Server

by Aleff June 13, 2023

Execution OMG

This script can be used to send messages in a specific channel of a Discord text server. Open the GUI interface and trough this one open the Discord app, th...

Tree Structure Of The Operating System

Tree Structure Of The Operating System

by Aleff June 13, 2023

Exfiltration OMG

This script allows the exfiltration of the structure of the files contained in a machine, through the use of the tree command in fact it is possible to know ...


🏆   by afsh4ck June 09, 2023

Bash Bunny Exfiltration

Exfilter all the images from the principal folders on unlocked MacOS targets. Stashes them in /loot/MacDocsExfill

Stop A Single Process In Windows

Stop A Single Process In Windows

by Aleff June 09, 2023

Execution USB Rubber Ducky

This script can be used to quickly stop an active process on a windows machine. This script open the Task Manager app, then go to search bar, then write the...
Exports all the links of the downloads

Exports all the links of the downloads

by Aleff June 09, 2023

Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky

This script can be used to export all the links of the latest downloads made through Firefox. This script open the Firefox app, then go to downloads page an...

Export Firefox Cookies Database

Export Firefox Cookies Database

by Aleff June 09, 2023

Exfiltration USB Rubber Ducky

This script may come in handy for those who want to quickly save all the cookies of their Firefox session by exporting the database via dropbox accesstoken. ...
Uninstall Signal

Uninstall Signal

by Aleff June 09, 2023

Execution USB Rubber Ducky

A script used to uninstall signal-desktop app on Windows users. Open a PowerShell, stop the Signal proccess if it runs and then execute the uninstall file t...

Starting a PowerShell with administrator permissions in Windows 10/11

Starting a PowerShell with administrator permissions in Windows 10/11

by Aleff June 07, 2023

Execution USB Rubber Ducky

This script can be considered by people who are new to the world of scripts written in DuckyScript so that they can understand how to start a PowerShell with...
Change the password of the windows user

Change the password of the windows user

by Aleff June 07, 2023

Execution USB Rubber Ducky

Through this script you will be able to change windows user's password super fast. A PowerShell with administrator permissions is started, and through the u...

Everything Password Stealer

Everything Password Stealer

by 0xspade June 06, 2023

Exfiltration OMG

Steals every password in every windows 10 or 11 passwords with LaZagne. Bypasses UAC, Firewall, and Defender with persistence whatsoever. Exfil your data to ...


by afsh4ck June 06, 2023

Bash Bunny Exfiltration

Exfiltrate all the images from the principal folders on unlocked MacOS targets.



🏆   by rf_bandit June 06, 2023

Bash Bunny Credentials

Get password for logged-in user and unlock machine. Based on quickcreds and win10lockpicker.
The Mouse Moves By Itself

The Mouse Moves By Itself

by Aleff May 24, 2023

Prank USB Rubber Ducky

A script used to prank your friends with the mouse pointer. Opens a shell, download the Python script that will prank your friends moving the mouse pointer.

Change Windows User Name

Change Windows User Name

by Aleff May 24, 2023

Execution USB Rubber Ducky

This script can be used to change the windows user name. The script opens the research app and go to User Accounts settings using the default path Control P...
Make Windows performant (but ugly and boring)

Make Windows performant (but ugly and boring)

by Aleff May 24, 2023

Execution USB Rubber Ducky

This script can be used to change some advanced Windows settings to make it as efficient as possible albeit losing some of the fluidity and beauty of the ope...