Everything Password Stealer

Everything Password Stealer
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Title: Everything Password Stealer
Author: 0xspade

Steals every password in every windows 10 or 11 passwords with LaZagne. Bypasses UAC, Firewall, and Defender with persistence whatsoever. Exfil your data to your not-so private discord server with computer name as a filename

Exfiltration is an involuntary backup. It's a technique for obtaining data from a network. Once obtained, the data may be removed using a number of methods. These may include traversing the network to a command and control server, such as Cloud C². The content is typically encrypted or obfuscated. In the case of physical access, a bring-your-own-network element may be included to evade detection. See all exfiltration payloads.

This payload is for OMG — a platform built for covert field-use with features that enhance remote execution, stealth and forensics evasion, all while being able to quickly change your tooling on the fly.

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