Send Messages In Teams

Send Messages In Teams
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Title: Send Messages In Teams
Author: A script used to prank your friends sending a message through the user Teams.

A script used to prank your friends sending a message through the user Teams. Open a PowerShell, stop Teams if is runned, run Teams, run new message function, search the receiver, write and send some messages, then close the app.

Execution is the method of either remotely or locally running code — malicious or otherwise — on a target computer. Execution is typically coupled with other techniques to carry out more complex tasks, like performing reconnaissance, exfiltration or credential harvesting. Execution may be ephemeral, or coupled with persistence techniques used to maintain remote access or continued code execution. See all execution payloads.

This payload is for OMG — a platform built for covert field-use with features that enhance remote execution, stealth and forensics evasion, all while being able to quickly change your tooling on the fly.

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