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Title: RemoteDeskCroc
Author: 0i41E

This payload will give you screen access to your victims machine. Combined with KeyCrocs ability to type in commands, you have basically RemoteDesktop. Setup: Use Netcat on your attacker machine like so - nc lvnp 1234 | nc lvnp 5678 - This will create a relay. (Example Ports). Use a Browser which supports MJPEG, for example FireFox. URL in Browser - - (Second port you used with nc). If payload sucessfull, your netcat will catch the stream and do a relay towards your Browser, you have screen access now.

🏆   Recognized with a Payload Award in September 2023


There are many forms of remote access which may be used by different actors for various purposes. A red team may use remote access techniques that provide persistent access to an exploited target for the purposes of reconnaissance and lateral movement across the network. A systems administrator may use remote access to perform day to day operations on a network accessible computer. An array of techniques exist to obtain and maintain remote access across a network, including using a command and control server such as Cloud C². Common remote access techniques include reverse shells and may employ obfuscation techniques to mask the connection. See all remote access payloads.

This payload is for the Key Croc, a keylogger armed with pentest tools, remote access and payloads that trigger multi-vector attacks when chosen keywords are typed. It's the ultimate key-logging pentest implant.

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