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Community developed payloads for Hak5 gear are featured and awarded at PayloadHub — a growing library of currated content.
Unleash your hacking creativity with the online payload editor: PayloadStudio
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Forwards the last received email. Included are two versions one for Gmail and Samsung Email app this was tested on a S10 as there are many flavours of android this many not work on all. Using GUI + E should bring up the default Email app. I have put a comment in for a loop so if you wish to forward more than one email.
This payload is for the USB Rubber Ducky — a "flash drive" that types keystroke injection payloads into unsuspecting computers at incredible speeds. It's no wonder this little quacker has made appearances on Mr. Robot, FBI, Blacklist, National Geography and more!
Submit your own payload, or browse more featured USB Rubber Ducky Payloads.
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Payloads are for education and auditing where permitted subject to local and international laws. Users are solely responsible for compliance. Hak5 claims no responsibility for unauthorized or unlawful use.
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