Exfiltrate Email And Password By Phising

Exfiltrate Email And Password By Phising
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Title: Exfiltrate Email And Password By Phising
Author: Aleff

A script used to exfiltrate the email and the email password by a popup (KDE/kdialog based) phishing based on linux systems. Opens a shell, get the email and the email password by a popup, send the input to a Discord webhook.

Phishing is a popular technique for gaining access to a target. Generally, phishing is a digitally delivered social engineering method. Phishing techniques may use a wide net, or specifically target one role or individual — known as spearphishing. Many phishing campaigns involve tricking a target into divulging confidential information, such as by mimicking a known-trusted source — be it a website or person. See all phishing payloads.

This payload is for the USB Rubber Ducky — a "flash drive" that types keystroke injection payloads into unsuspecting computers at incredible speeds. It's no wonder this little quacker has made appearances on Mr. Robot, FBI, Blacklist, National Geography and more!

Submit your own payload, or browse more featured USB Rubber Ducky Payloads.



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