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Title: FreeDaNutz
Author: infoskirmish,com

This payload will compress the entire /mnt/loot folder. It will then send via scp that folder to a host you specify. This payload runs some checks to make sure things are set up correctly before it attempts to send any data over the network. If fatal errors occur then trouble shooting data is dumped into /mnt/loot/freedanutz/log.txt

Exfiltration is an involuntary backup. It's a technique for obtaining data from a network. Once obtained, the data may be removed using a number of methods. These may include traversing the network to a command and control server, such as Cloud C². The content is typically encrypted or obfuscated. In the case of physical access, a bring-your-own-network element may be included to evade detection. See all exfiltration payloads.

This payload is for the Packet Squirrel, a matchbook-sized Ethernet multi-tool designed to give you covert remote access, painless packet captures, and secure VPN connections with the flip of a switch. This tiny linux-box is a man-in-the-middle that's nuts for networks.

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