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Title: SpearPhishCroc
Author: 0i41E

Trigger a popup, demanding for valid credentials, popup can't be closed without valid credentials. Idea and code based on Invoke-CredentialsPhish from Nikhil Mittal.

Phishing is a popular technique for gaining access to a target. Generally, phishing is a digitally delivered social engineering method. Phishing techniques may use a wide net, or specifically target one role or individual — known as spearphishing. Many phishing campaigns involve tricking a target into divulging confidential information, such as by mimicking a known-trusted source — be it a website or person. See all phishing payloads.

This payload is for the Key Croc, a keylogger armed with pentest tools, remote access and payloads that trigger multi-vector attacks when chosen keywords are typed. It's the ultimate key-logging pentest implant.

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