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Title: Togglable-VPN
Author: DannyK999

Based on the default VPN payload; this can now create a VPN-connection to an OpenVPN-server, or if the button is pressed, send traffic from the clients through said tunnel. This way no editing of the payload is required to switch modes. On boot the Squirrel will wait for a button press for 10 seconds, if it is pressed, the VPN will launch in client mode, if it is not pressed in the interval it will launch in remote-access mode.

There are many forms of remote access which may be used by different actors for various purposes. A red team may use remote access techniques that provide persistent access to an exploited target for the purposes of reconnaissance and lateral movement across the network. A systems administrator may use remote access to perform day to day operations on a network accessible computer. An array of techniques exist to obtain and maintain remote access across a network, including using a command and control server such as Cloud C². Common remote access techniques include reverse shells and may employ obfuscation techniques to mask the connection. See all remote access payloads.

This payload is for the Packet Squirrel, a matchbook-sized Ethernet multi-tool designed to give you covert remote access, painless packet captures, and secure VPN connections with the flip of a switch. This tiny linux-box is a man-in-the-middle that's nuts for networks.

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